
Buckinghamshire Council wins Best New Idea award

In a virtual celebration on Wednesday 14 October, LARAC, the leading voice for local authorities on recycling, waste and resource management, recognised Buckinghamshire Council’s innovative approach to improving customer experience at local Household Recycling Centres through Virtual Tours and Go

COVID-19: wash hands

There are simple things we can all do to reduce the spread of the virus and avoid stricter restrictions in Buckinghamshire.

Washing your hands regularly may make the difference between COVID alert level medium and high.


Anti Slavery Day 2020

Today is Anti Slavery Day 2020. Unfortunately, the scourge of modern slavery is insidious and can take many forms. We must root it out and ensure that every person can live free.

Hands, Face, Space

The week ahead may be critical in making sure that Buckinghamshire doesn't end up in covid alert level high.

🤲🧼 Wash HANDS regularly

😷🚉🛍 Wear a FACE covering where required

👤↔️👤 Make SPACE and keep 2m distance